
Lecture notes from university.
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The one-page cheat sheet.wiki (2048B)

      1 == One-page cheat sheet ==
      2 === Definitions ===
      3 * Model is:
      4     * set A - domain
      5     * interpretation operation for predicate and function symbols
      6 * satisfiable: some model & environment where it's true
      7 * valid: true in all models and environments
      8 * derivable: can be proven without global hypothesis
      9 * tautology: true under any truth assignment (valid)
     10 * soundness: ⊢ A → ⊨ A (from syntax to semantics)
     11 * completeness: ⊨ A → ⊢ A (from semantics to syntax)
     12 * partial order: antisymmetric, reflexive, transitive
     13     * memo technique -- p**art**ial means **a**ntisymmetric, **r**eflexive, **t**ransitive
     14     * strict means irreflexive
     15 * total order: partial order & ∀ ab: R(a,b) ∨ R(b,a)
     16     * strict: ∀ ab: R(a,b) ∨ a = b ∨ R(b,a)
     17 * equivalence relation: has all three properties in the positive (symmetric, reflexive, transitive)
     19 environment is used to interpret free variables
     20 === Modal logic ===
     21 * □ Φ: true in world if true in all related worlds (if no related, true).
     22 * ◇ Φ: true in world if true in some related world (if no related, false).
     24 M,w ⊩ Φ: Φ true in world w of Kripke model M (true in model if true in every world)
     26 Φ valid in frame if true with every labelling.
     28 frame = Kripke - labels
     30 === Metatheorems ===
     31 * consistent: has a model
     32 * syntactically consistent: can't derive ⊥
     33 * compactness: if Γ is consistent, every finite subset of Γ is also consistent
     35 === Definability ===
     36 Model finiteness is undefinable.
     38 Model infiniteness is definable by a set of formulas.
     40 In predicate logic, only unreachability by n steps is definable, and only by a set of sentences.
     42 === Decidability ===
     43 Y ⊆ I decidable if program can tell for every i ∈ I whether i ∈ Y. I set, Y predicate on set.
     45 Undecidable: termination, PCP, validity, provability, satisfiability.
     47 Termination can be reduced to PCP, which can be reduced to validity.
     49 Incompleteness theorems: every non-trivial formal system is
     50 * either incomplete (valid but not derivable)
     51 * or inconsistent (doesn't have a model, or entails ⊥)